The JUNOFEM femfit® pelvic floor trainer scored almost 5 stars from our [Women&Home] expert tester. Here's why...
Lost continence? If you fret when you sneeze, clench when you cough and think they should hand out Tena Lady with the sticky socks when you arrive at a trampoline park, consider getting a pelvic floor trainer. Anyone can do pelvic floor exercises; you don’t need a gadget. But devices like the femfit encourage you to do them - and even teach you how.
The femfit® by JUNOFEM boasts eight sensors, making it one of the best pelvic floor trainers around as it offers more than any other pelvic floor trainer I've tried - and as one of woman&home's resident tech testers, I've tried a few. It pairs via Bluetooth with an app that gives you real-time feedback as it takes you through daily exercises. It’s pricey but clinically proven to lessen up to 80% of urinary incontinence symptoms in 12 weeks with its Strength Builder programme.
The device comes from down under (pun intended). Its maker Junofem is based in New Zealand. Until recently, femfit was only on sale there and in Australia. What sets the device apart is detailed data – which is gamified on screen for you but can also be shared with professionals should you need a little extra help with how to use a pelvic floor trainer.